Saturday, September 17, 2011

What I really did

Sitting down for a while.  I got the new blind up in the living room 32$. Todd and Christina brought the shelving unit parts downstairs and I put it back together for the pantry.  As I write this the wife is stocking the pantry and Todd is doing the dishes.  (I could watch him work all day long.)  It was different watching him diagnose a problem with his printer today, and then discuss this with me ( he didn't have the money for a 20$ cartridge)  and then put new one in and test it according to the software he installed.  wonder if he is gonna try the IT field?

Rebekah is getting to be more and more of a problem.  She is very argumentative with her mother and I and she is usually the instigator of fights with her brothers.  Need to get the bedrooms done so she has a place to herself that isn't filled with things that are not ready to be put in their place yet.

I have to get a door drilled for a lock-set and deadbolt.  Our new bedroom was the living room upstairs and has no door on it.  I found a new-ish door at a thrift sale and several boxes or door hardware (found enough to have a complete passage lock-set and a matching deadbolt. (with keys <grin>))

The thrift sale at NHS seems to be on a different day (kinda figured that since I would have noticed that kind of information on the school calender.) But we did stop at a few on way back.

I might be coming down with this cold that all the children seem to have.  Noticed tell-tale signs that I passed a stone again.  damn my back hurts.

My friend Rick Meyers from La Cross called last nigh and left a message while I was working.  Called him back tonight and again he is looking for nights and weekend help. But with 2 boys in special ed. and just starting on buying a house.  I don't think Rick could "sweeten the deal" enough to leave this area.

HOLY CRAP!  Todd just finished the dishes while I was typing and offered to make me a cup of coffee!

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