Thursday, September 15, 2011

P U !

Went to bed earlier than normal and woke up about 2 am.  did a walk around through the house and turned off lights and other things.  When I....... Damn,  WTF is that smell????  
Smells familiar....

If anyone can remember, awhile back I bought a mini van that was the home of many mice.  and they made a mess of things.  I took that car apart ( 90 degree weather ) stripped the interior and cleaned that car so that horrible dead mouse smell would be gone...

That's it!!!!!

I think the mouse poison we put down around the foundation and under the floor worked.  But now the mice are dead in places that are kinda hard to get at. 
I got 1 carcass out.  did a little bleaching.  do more in the morning I think.  getting tired again.... night night  

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