Saturday, September 17, 2011

What I do on my day "off"

The blower motor in the furnace for the downstairs half of the building quit 2 days ago and I can now afford a new one.  Will call on Monday and get some one out here.  So, Bug crawled in bed with us claiming she was cold.  I was up early and made fresh pot of coffee and checked the space heater (68 degrees, not that cold).

Measured the living room window for blinds (48 x 64).  turned the chili back on low and will let it steep most of the day.  Checked Todd's printer and added new black cartridge to my shopping list.  Called Tom and let him know I was up and ready. (going in to work for a few hours to put the harness in the bus that melted down 2 days ago.)  The boys tell me there is a thrift sale at North High School today.  Will need to go to that and see what they have. (good to support our school).

My Cousin Darrell wants me to do the front brakes on his Malibu.  He promises to help me with hanging the bedroom door.  

I need to get the tractors put away for the season.  And the extra stove and fridge need to go into storage instead of sitting on my porch.  We didn't cook on the grill much after October last year so I think grill will go also.  Need to aim the headlights on 28 ( got new headlight assemblies a couple days ago because mine were so badly fogged over).  

Now tonight I will post what I really did today.  lets see what I got done....

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