Sunday, September 18, 2011

What I did Part 2

The day was mostly wasted.  I woke this morning and had a difficult time getting ready for anything.  We are members of the salvation army church and the leadership decided to stop having church services a few weeks ago.

Christina was hounding me today about getting her nails done today.  I really needed to get stuff loaded up on the trailer and put into storage.

Sent a loaf of fresh bread and 1 gallon of chili over to the parents house so it would be waiting for them when they returned pre-packer game.  Hooked up the trailer,  grabbed the swimming pool and the little wagon and the post hole digger, and a few other things that were on the porch and put them in the van.  Dropped Christina off at Oakwood Mall, Then Bug and I went to our garage and dropped off this load.

These are a couple pictures of the garage that I am renting to store my "toys" in.

then went back and loaded up the big grill and the spare stove and brought the out also.

Then it was time to grab the scooter.  I don't think I will be riding much anymore.

Wife was ready so picked her up and went home.  I realized that I might be getting a could so I went home and drank a large glass of OJ and took some Day Quil then bed for a couple hours.

Got a call from George that he thinks we should meet at Altoona Family Restaurant for supper.

now it is time to run everyone through the bath tub and get all ready for school/work.

My back still hurtz.

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