Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

My first weekend on call after Ron and I started to break up the months to give him some free time.  Got nice start to the day on Saturday,  Called Jeff in the morning to let him know about a cancellation and made sure he had my number if he needed me and told him I would switch the phone at 1800.

Started off by moving the contents of our OLD living room to NEW living room.  But that had to wait after about an hour.  I realized that I was only going to get 1 day to mow out at Greendale properties that I needed to do that now before 1800.

Went to Randy's Family Restaurant for lunch with George Eavey and the rest of the family, Then went to Greendale and mowed.  Tina Took over for me when I got to the front where she can handle the tractor.  I went to the garage and put the little boat away for the season and got two 3/4 tread tires out to put on the front of my van #28 and the battery from the boat to put in storage.

Did a few SHH discharges and a MAYO detox.  but all in all it was a really good weekend.

I finally get to have a cup of coffee whenever I want it now.  Yes, I am serious,  wife only lets me have 1 cup of coffee in the morning with my blood pressure pill.

I thought it was time to post a picture of my wife working.  she is doing a lot of things that I never give her credit for and never tell her how good she is to me.

Not the best picture, but I love her dearly.  (And she works her ass off)

Todd and I carrying down the 15$  TV and putting it back on the stand.  Funny thing though,  the TV cost 15$ and the stand cost 200$

No I didn't make Todd stand there with the power cable in his mouth,  but this was the only time he wasn't yelling. 
We couldn't get the locks to screw back into the holes.  (how many Polocks does it take to screw a screw?)

Working on a little cable management,  The days of computer work sometimes comes back.

Bad picture of good cable management

I got the Cable runs down stairs so we had HDTV to watch some of the 9/11 specials.  (Bug had a lot of questions)  the one that was the hardest to answer was " why are you and mommy crying"

I also got a very unexpected call.  Guy was back early and wanted to trade.... he will take tonight from me and I will do tomorrow night.....  Let me see... I get a good nights sleep and the on call after a full day and may or may not go out,  or.......O hell there is no bad side.  I had to do it.  Bear was calling and I needed to get some sleep.  My legs are killing me from running up and down the stairs.

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