Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why holidays are so fun.

I decided to start telling some of the stories that have happened over the years to me and my family.  Some of these relate to my past occupations,  and some of them are about our family, and some of these are just so damn funny I had to write them down.

First off,  These are not in any order,  I just write these down as I go.  Trying to put these in chronological order would be TIME consuming (ha ha ha I made a funny).

One of my favorite stories started about 3 years ago.  Christina and I were dreaming about what we were going to do with our tax return when we got it.  (I was able to estimate what our return would be using my pay stubs.  And using some numbers from last years filing, I come up with an estimate that gets surprisingly close.

It must have been close to November, Or a week or two into it.  Dad called me out onto his ramp and we chatted for a while.  Moms daycare had lost some children and taxes were due soon, the wash machine had quit working right, Thanksgiving plans might have to be cancelled,  and Christmas was looking really bleak for the grandchildren.  Dad was also having some issues with his stump and spent a lot of time in bed (only place that he could be comfortable).

I went home with a heavy heart and knew that we, my wife and I had to help out.  I talked to Christina and told here what dad and I were talking about explaining to her the things that she might not understand.  After a while she stopped me and told me that we needed to help.

Now to the people that know me and my family already understand but you that don't I need to paint a picture of the other "Variables"  that affect us from time to time and on occasion, totally screw up our lives.  These "Variables" have names, and they are Cathy and Crystal.  Cathy is the middle sister and Crystal is the youngest.  Christina and Cathy share the same mother and father just not the same father as Crystal.  (But as fate would have it, Ronald has been a better father then Mitchell ever would be.)  In order for us to do something for the parents that would help them, there would be fallout from the other sisters.  I needed to make this very clear to Christina for she has a hard time with her sisters, and this will come back and bite us.  She didn't care,  Our parents came first.  (they really helped us out when we were young and just getting started and now we had to return the favor).

We had about $2000.00 saved up for the vacation we were planning on taking in the summer.  (Virginia, Maryland, DC...The Smithsonian, Arlington...)  (side note... Christina's  grandma passed that summer and  our plans were scrapped).  So I went to RCU in the morning and on my way home I stopped at the parents house and handed Dad money to help him with on the taxes and some extra to help with Christmas.  Tina had gotten the Thanksgiving supplies and delivered them earlier in the day.  I wasn't home more than 15 minutes and dad called me up was trying to say thank you but he was choking on his tears of gratitude, and I told him he was welcome and that we wanted to help, because we could.  Christina and I had plans for the money but we never really missed it after it was gone for we both knew this was going to be the best Christmas yet.  We now had to get the next part of the plan in motion.

Christmas good for the children  and was going to get better for Mom and Dad.

Christina and I have bought many appliances from Sears.  And over the years we have dealt with the same sales lady, Darla.  She was privileged to the time that were would be there shopping with Mom, buying Dad a LCD HDTV for the bedroom. (but what Mom didn't know was we were there for more than that.)

We picked out a new cordless telephone for Dad, So he wouldn't have to run a line to the bedroom.  And then we went to look at TV's but for some ODD reason we couldn't get any help... that was really strange <wink>

So Mom and I went to find Christina over in the laundry area and showed mom the washer and dryer that we bought last year and started to "gab it up" with Darla and Mom walked to a nice front loader that was perfect for her and the daycare.  she made the fateful comment that this would be perfect for their house.  I turned to Darla and said that we would take it and could you deliver it on Wednesday?..  Mom turned white and yelled out "You're shittin' me?"  I assured her that we were not and paid for it with our H&R block emerald card (tax return).  Mom went to a corner and started crying... I told 'tina she had to go and talk to her while I took care of things.  A washer and dryer(and extended warranty) , a HDTV for dad and a wall mount, and the cordless telephone.

We called Dad on the way home and Dad said that Mom was "full of shit" and get your ass home.  We walked in the house with the new TV and I handed the receipts to Dad to put away and for the rebate.  I went into the bedroom and put the TV up for him.

I made arrangements at work to be home on Wednesday when they were to deliver the washer and dryer.  It was fun to sit on my day off and watch somebody else work.  The guys from Sears came in on time and installed them and got everything working.

I still laugh when I think back to the first couple days when Mom had to call her daughter and ask for help with her new washer.

The next year, things were going to be different.  I Did't know how we were going to improve on last year.  But we had a few months to think about it.  Dad was going through the "get the house ready for winter" routine that you do in the fall and it was discovered that the  firebox in their furnace was cracked and was producing a small amount of carbon monoxide. (not good for a daycare)  The mattress and box spring were shot in the master bedroom and flooring in dining room needed to be fixed.

Well,  I sat down with Dad and told him I would help with the repairs of the furnace.  And that he needed to worry about his health and taking care of Mom.  Over the next few weeks I had Dad get a few estimates for repairs and a couple for replacements.  Every thing was about even no matter what we did and replacing looked like the better idea in the long term.  But what was in Dads "budget" were there odd name branded units that I had never heard of.  I Suggested to Dad to call Kelly heating in Altoona and get an estimate from them.  Tim Addie came over and talked to Dad and gave him a few ideas and they talked about warranty and rebates and a rebate from Xcel energy for installing this new furnace and the tax rebate for that tax season....Dad tried his best that night to explain it to me so I listened and asked him a few questions and then went to Kelly and talked to Tim.  I had him explain a few things to me about the rebates and filling out the papers for I knew this would be confusing for Dad and wanted to make this as painless as possible.  I was on the clock and had to run but told him I would be back.

Dad and I discussed the options (financing and such.... ya right...<wink>) and the warranties and rebates and different units and he liked the idea of putting some of the other projects on hold and replace the old unit with a new Bryant system from Kelly.

A few days later I went to see Tim again and he wasn't in the office but it didn't matter for I knew what I was going to do.  I asked the secretary to pull the file for my Dad and pull the estimates and make them firm and I was going to pay for it now.  She looked at me and did a double take and said the total was as written and that included filling out the paper work all the way to disposing of the old unit.  I wish I could of thanked Tim in person that day for his hard work but he found out later.....(will continue this later)

This time is wasn't meant to be a huge surprise or anything, Mom and Dad knew what was happening and set up the date for the install and everything.

Old unit unhooked and ready to go away.

The new Bryant 95 in the basement and the old unit gone.

All hooked up, all new plumbing and electrical installed, and the old chimney capped in the basement.  And it never got to cold in the house.  The guys that did the work were fast and professional.  And very respectful of the children and the environment that they were in with all the children. 

I left before they finished for there were things that I needed to do.  Mainly, get as far from Dad when he figured it out. Then it hit Dad when they got all done.  They helped dad with the rebates and filling out the paperwork and the gave him all the cards and such and showed him how to program the thermostat.  Then they left.  Not knowing for sure when he was gonna have to start making payments, he called Kelly and wanted to know about making payments.  And Tim Told Dad that his bill was paid in full and there was no balance.

I turned my phone off for I wasn't sure what I was going to say,  and I was sure that this was going to be the event that was going to piss Cathy off (I was right).  That night I was "summoned" by Dad to appear and to have dinner and coffee.  Dad explained to me the fallout that occurred while he was inquiring (Cathy or Crystal showed up and was upset at Christina and I for doing this for them).  It appears to them that we are trying to buy the affection of the parents with "things".

But in all honesty I could really care less.  The parents have clean clothing,  A new furnace, with so many rebates and savings they were able to use the money they were planing on using for the repair to buy a new bedroom set and get the dining room floor sanded and refinished.

So, Cathy and Crystal, all I can say to you is KISS MY A$$!

But it all had to come to an end.this fall under no circumstances was I to do any thing this year,  The daughters had such a fight that Dad cancelled Christmas.  The grand children cried for hours when they heard this.  But I think I got it figured out this year.

With the purchase and expansion  of our house, and the remodeling that we are doing, we hope to have thanksgiving at our house this year.  And if there is any fighting, you can leave, damn sure I am not gonna cry one tear.

This year will be difficult to Top or even equal anything we have done.  Most of our money is being used up on the house.  But the best part this year I think is going to be.... Having the Parents to our house for a meal for the first time ever.

Dad Sitting out side on his ramp on a cooler October day

This story has another part to it that happened earlier this summer.  I was listening to B95 one morning and they were talking about Kelly and the new System that Mike had installed.  I had to call and tell the guys what had happened to Dad with the installation and all the extra that they went through to help my Dad  with and how the work was quick and professional.  But most of all, when the new thermostat failed 2 weeks after it was installed they were right out that morning and fixed it and were very happy to do it.

A week or so later I was having lunch with my friend George and I got a call from Tim Kelly. (the owner of Kelly heating)  (O SHIT!  I do believe I did say that).  And he had just had dinner with the program/advertising director of Clear Channel Broadcasting, and he heard the recording of our phone conversation off the air at the radio station and wanted to hear from me personally.  So I told him the story again and explained about the day care and wanting to take care of the parents and the help that they gave in picking out the right fit unit for the house and the help with the paperwork and all the credits we got back at tax time and on the electric bill (400.00  I think, almost 3 months for them for free)  I did tell him that they were not the lowest estimate we got but we liked it because of other reasons.
I told him I was thinking about central air next Christmas and that the unit we picked allowed us that option.  I was asked if they could use my testimony in advertising.  I was also told that I needed to stop by the office and pick up a box.
Not sure what to make of it and being one of the hottest days, why not go somewhere that sells A/C to cool down.  Some how (and I should not be surprised) Tim Kelly found out that the vent cap for the chimney never got installed. (not part of the estimate and we were going to until fall.)  and he had one made.  I went to dads house the next day and put it on and almost fell off, roof was slippery because it was so hot.

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