Sunday, September 4, 2011

Primer going on and some stuff moved in.

Had brunch with George at Perkins, then we went to Menards for a few things (sponge sanding block, light bulbs, and dish washing supplies)

I thought that this would be a good time for Todd to learn to appreciate his hard work by doing as much himself as he can.

So I had him start off by sanding the patching that we did yesterday and prep the walls for primer.  then I had him take all the plastic out and shake it out, wash the floor, and then put it all back.  Then he put a gallon of primer up.

While all this was going on I had Bug and Tyler running around getting things from upstairs and bring down to be washed and put away.

I called a friend, James (Computer Wizards) give me a hand with carrying the stove down.  he also broke down my little kitchen table and brought that down.  (had to do some flipping around but got it done with the help of the Bug)

After the table was done I made supper for all and did the dishes.  My wife and Todd dried and put them away.  (thanks guys)

On a side note.... I have had the hiccups all day and my side and back hurts so bad thinking of going to ER.  will try and sleep, if I cant, will see Dr. in morning.

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