Saturday, September 22, 2012

A few years ago my father in law, Ronald Jarosch, had van problems and it was discovered that his Pontiac transport had a hole in the trans-axle  big enough to put your hand in.  I had 2 Doge mini vans and I gave him the nicer one.

A couple years have passed and the van is starting to show its age. (i had it on the hoist to fix a power steering leak and started thinking about a replacement for dad right then)

One morning I came to work and discovered that van 41 took a deer hit and was totaled out.  (damaged exceeded the value of vehicle)  But I looked at the damage and figured that this is something I wanted to fix.

I have exceeded my budget by about 1500.00 and still have to buy a clock-spring and paint.  Today was the big push.  Winter is coming and projects have to be out of garage for company vehicles for the winter.  So van and trailer are coming home.

I was going to post descriptions to each picture but would be time consuming and most you can see what was done.

Again this was something I might not of tried if I did not have the help of Mr. Thomas Woodman's help and advice.

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